Way too much about linear regression.

There's a lot of details

AB testing Google Ads Bidding strategies

Hypothesis testing with dependent samples.

Kernel-MMD-Hypothesis Testing without assumptions

What to do if you can't assume anything about your distributions.

Hypothesis Testing by Betting

A simpler alternative to pp-values.

A short introduction to Martingales

One way to think about dependent random variables.

An introduction to Compressive Sensing.

Short, fat matricesa are useful, actually.

A Grab Bag of Approaches to Frequentist Multiple Testing.

Pick your poison.

Must we adjust p-values if we test multiple hypotheses?

Yes, yes you must

Bayesian Sequential Hypothesis Testing

Frequentist algorithms are often Bayesian.

Sequential Hypothesis Testing

Hypothesis testing step-by-step.

What p-values really mean

Most people get pp-values wrong. This is how to understand and apply them correctly.

Running Conda environments from Jupyter Notebook.

An introduction to Gradient Descent

How to optimise basically any function.

Time Series with GAMs

Time series without time.

Structural Time Series in PyMC!

Same ideas, different framework.

Understanding the Guts of Generalized Additive Models (GAMs) with Hands-on Examples.

Generalised Additive Models look harder than they actually are.

Neural Networks from scratch.

NNs are easier than you think

Bayesian Structural Time Series in pystan.

Adding time varying components to time varying regression

More Complex (Linear) Regressions

We extend our ideas of how to do regression to a more complex class of functions.

Local Linear Trend models for time series

Simple time-varying regression

Mixed Models

How to handle struture in your regressions